My Own Family Research

I Have been Studying my Family History now for 25 Years This site shows some of my results and observations

It would be great to hear from you if you discover we have any common ancestors.

If you require any more information please let me know This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and if you have any more information, corrections or details I would be most grateful


There are 8176 individuals and 2147 families representing 1431 surnames in this database.

The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are :

Luck(95), Lanham(154), Tupper(170), Catt(168), Smyth(251), Ellerbeck(114), Alabaster(137), Garton(101), Gott(137), Neal(246)

This is a PDF file which shows my whole tree, it is very confusing to follow but amazing to see
